Friday, February 19, 2010

The Thing with Feathers: Learning the Tune Without Words


Okay, I’ll nibble—a bit.  You know the key to unlock this gay man’s heart and make him talk, Coolmom: quoting Emily Dickinson.  And about hope, no less.

Someone recently posted a blog piece about how to motivate Catholics to sing.  I think it was Margaret O’Brien Steinfels at Commonweal.  This is a recurring topic that still—amazingly—cycles around in liberal Catholic circles. 

Even now, even after all we now know about the abuse crisis in the church, and how what we know should interrupt every hymn we might think of singing.  Except perhaps the Miserere.

When I read the piece, I wanted to say this: people will sing when they have something to sing about.

Right now, the only songs I can imagine singing in a Catholic gathering are the Miserere.  And Psalm 137.

Thanks to all of you for your comments.  I appreciate them.  Though if I ever recover voice, I may have moremuch moreto say about the uncritical way that the JPII generation of Catholics has appropriated that pope's extremely ambiguous heritage.  And about who is using callow young Catholics of a certain ilk to fight political battles that jeopardize this generation's future, while convincing these Catholics that they have the best interest of the young at heart.